I recently spoke about my bucket list and revisiting it after the death of my sweet dog, Andiamo. A bucket list is a personal list of what you’d like to do, see, or experience before dying. It comes from the term ‘kicking the bucket” which not so delicately refers to dying, something we are all headed for no matter how much you believe it or not. Easily, many of us get caught up in living the survival life of making money and making more that we forget to live or forget that our time here is limited and it’s not all about going to work and paying bills. Yes, those are important and often necessary things to do in life but the living portion should not be forgotten.
Here is my bucket list in no particular order. I’ve also compiled a list of items that could have possibly gone on my bucket list but that I’d already completed. Please read and share some of your bucket list items in the comments.
Bucket List:
- See the Aurora Borealis
- Snorkel with sea turtles in Bora Bora
- Sell a painting
- Volunteer at an elephant sanctuary
- Visit India
- Own Land
- See Scandinavia
- Spend more time in tropical island, turquoise water locations

Bucket List Accomplishments

- Kissed a sea lion
- Saw the bio-luminescence phenomenon in the ocean
- Went on canopy zip line tour
- Saw lightening bugs
- Rode the world’s tallest roller coaster (2011)
- Rode the world’s second fastest roller coaster (2011)
- Traveled internationally (not done yet though)
- Walked red carpet at a Hollywood black tie affair
- Watched the sun set in many places around the world
- Fell in love
- Swam in beautiful ocean waters
- Accomplished long term goals
- Hung out with famous people
- Hiked the Great Wall of China
- Rode an alpine roller coaster
- Gorged on fresh fruit straight from the tree: peaches, mangoes, apples, cherries, pears, plums
- Lived in other families
- Swam with pigs at Pig Beach in the Bahamas
- Moved to countries and cities I’ve never been just for kicks
- Performed piano in front of a large audience
- Spoke multiple languages
- Been in a movie
- Mastered an instrument
- Been immersed in foreign cultures and languages
- Received awards
- Published documents
- Befriended animals
- Broken rules
- Fought wild land fire
- Thought I was going to die
- Seen UFOs
- Witnessed death
- Loved a dog from beginning to end
- Lived abroad
- Kayaked out to The Mokes off Lani Kai beach alone
- Saw alligators in the wild while canoeing
- Tanned a deer hide
- Pet sting rays in the wild
- Been a dance performer
- Taught English as a second language, belly dance and Photoshop
- Swam with sharks in the wild
- Owned a business
- Been part of a 20 year medical study
- Had short hair and long hair
- Fired a gun
- Scuba Dived

You are a inspiration and show how life should be lived! Thanks for your videos and your spirit. Keep up the good work of making this a better place to live.
You have accomplished so much but your current bucket list is pretty short. Dream big! You are young and have so much time to do great things. Go for it and live large!
absolutely true
WOW…..what a great list, the things you HAVE accomplished…what a dream come true!!! That is the way to LIVE LIFE!!!!
My list isn’t as long, but I have had a wonderful career as a firefighter for 17yrs, so I can say that was one of my great achievements. As far as the next part, will be to cross this beautiful land of ours in my RV fulltime with my 2 fur babies, also want to do a tandem skydive, suba dive, swim with the dolphins,see the Grand Canyon, ride a horse on the beach. As I travel across the US I will probably think about more for sure.
Dear Pippi,
I’m so very sorry about Andiamo’s passing. May the great memories you have help you through this difficult time.
Congrats on accomplishing so many things on your bucket list already. You’re such a sweet and equally ambitious young woman and you inspire all those around you. I am very fortunate to have discovered your helpful and entertaining videos & blog.
Keep smiling, remember you have many friends who admire you, and I look forward to hearing and learning more from you.
Best wishes always,
I would like to:
-Visit Prypiat to see how nature takes over
-Drive to Nova Scotia
-Live in Florida
-Drive to Alaska
-Visit Waikiki again
-Go to Disney World again
-Own a de-scented skunk
-Completly repair/renovate my 1968 Winnebago
-Find a good dance partner to go to line dancing/partner dancing with
-Bike the 5 boro NYC bike tour again.
-probably more things, but i have never thought of a bucket list before.
-oh and of course meet Pippi Peterson and get her to autograph a bumpersticker for me!
My list is very simple:
-Marry Pippi
Dear Pippi,
I’ve never had a list however here goes:
1) I want to attend the weddings of my grand children, at least some of them. People are so happy at weddings. We have 7.
2) Maybe meet a great grand child.
3) I once had a Golden Retriever for 15+ years I didn’t understand how much she meant to me, until she was gone. I would like to have those feelings back. Maybe find another.
4) 5) My wife & I have been together 50+ years, I’d like many more.
I went camping at Cades Cove in the Great Smokies recently and had a visit one night by a bunch of fireflies. I thought I was just seeing things at first. They are very interesting.
Nice Pippi, you have accomplished much and sounds like you truly understand the meaning of a life well lived. I decided many years ago after trying to have a 9-5 job for 2-3 years after college that I’d rather be an entrepreneur -small business/artist and live in places that other people go to for vacation. I keep finding myself back in Sedona. But I’ve been to many other places: spent a year in an expat community in Mexico; visited spiritual teachers in India, Brazil, Peru, Hawaii & New York; started my own businesses many times (Energy Healer, Psychic Reader, Astrologer, Pet Sitting, Art Classes, Art Gallery and now running my own Paint ‘N Pour Party business where people come and paint for 2 hours at local restaurants); Swam with the dolphins and sea turtles in Hawaii; Loved & lost 2 beloved dogs, Had a waterfront house and learned to drive a boat, kayak, now I’m learning to care for an RV.
Bucket List:
I’d like to learn how to drive my motorhome
Go to Montana and Western Canada with the RV
Continue to paint and master acrylic painting
Go back to school and study a new interest
Teach private intuitive art classes
Dance again with a partner (Swing & Salsa)
Live with someone & share love & companionship
Continue to love my dog Bella
Finish writing my screenplay
Write my blog, make youtube videos teaching people how to do intuitive art therapy paintings.
Keep traveling and exploring exotic places, making friends as I go
Hi Pippi,
You’ve got a nice list going, and have already lived some great experiences. I urge you to continue. Regarding the elephants, there may be an alternative that you might check out. I put the link below. When the Ringling Circus finally retired their elephants, they released them on a large refuge in Florida. You might consider reaching out to them for possible opportunities for you to serve and bring awareness to their good work. With your 38k+ followers, you can offer them more exposure than most folks. I hope all is well with you, and God’s blessings upon your life. ~Gary~
I never really had a formal bucket list as I just do things as they fit into my life. That said, I suppose there are a number of things I really want to do. 1. Learning to be one with nature which I’m doing now and hope to make ever greater headway as I embark on the next adventure in 2017. 2. Thru-Hike the Appalachian Trail Georgia to Maine which I will do in 2017. 3. Purchase a house in the country (2018) 4. Cross-country trip across the U.S. which will take about a year or maybe longer. The highlight will be spending time at the John Denver Sanctuary in Aspen, CO and playing my guitar as well as many national parks and other nooks and cranny’s as the wind guides me (2019-2020). 5. Visit some more countries like Australia, Ireland, Iceland (Fit them in whenever). “Greg”
You must add hiking glaciers in wild Alaska. Its a must.
Hello Pippi,
Hope the love and memories of Andiamo bring you smiles and warmth much more than making you missing/yearning for him.
Really appreciate you for sharing your bucket list – wisdom by examples. Having the understanding of that life is more freeing when lived deeply is not as powerful as seeing you living it. Being able to enjoy nature/simple things in life is a great gift that we all have within us. I have recently been reminded of this quite often by you (without your knowing :-), life has been more peaceful, and for that I’m really grateful to you, Pippi.
As for bucket list, don’t know if I ever had one. Just know that if I am to leave this earth tomorrow, there is no regret. Perhaps, if there is something that I really have to do, I would have done or be doing it already. And if there are things I want to do, they should happen naturally, at the right time and not with much effort….going where life takes me. Giving a right time, I think I’d really enjoy meeting you:-)
Please keep inspiring us with your wisdom, authenticity, simplicity, and zest for life. You are really special. Wishing you health and inner peace always!
You have an interesting bucket list. Personally, I choose not to keep a bucket list. I think that if I would have tried to complete my own list, I would not have experienced even 1/100th of the things that God has allowed me to see and do thus far with His list. Nevertheless, if you travel to Scandinavia you should be able to see the Northern Lights also … or maybe just continue driving north to Canada or Alaska 🙂 I used to live in Georgia and we would see fire-flies / lightning bugs on many summer evenings. Did you paint that motorcycle?
Our condolences on your loss. We know the feeling well. We always look forward to your post and they provide us with inspiration. Your most endearing quality is your smile. We may not know you personally (yet) but our hearts are always with you.
David and Susan
Sorry about your fur baby. It made me sad to hear of his passing :/ . Enjoy your visit to Oregon 🙂
Hi Pippi
Im so sorry for your losse. I know how hard it is to lose a best friend and love. I lost my lab maya on the 24th i was devastated 9yr with my since a puppy. My true love of my life she waa always there for me and its hard not waking up to that beautiful face. I never really had a bucket list but i will make one.
I have another dog named peque his shitzu he has helped me to trt and overcome the loss of Maya he was even more devastated than me his hole life has been around her and now its just him and me.
Have a blessed day and thank you for athe great iatheof a bucket list
I’d really like to see fire flies again. When I lived in the suburbs of Atlanta we saw them quite often in summertime. Now I live in San Jose, CA and they are not here. I have an older dog, 14 years old, chihuahua/terrier mix (14 pounds or so). He has slowed down a lot and he takes stands instead of walks. He will just stand outside sniffing forever! That is the way it is, I guess. Some things on my bucket list would be: living by the ocean (possibly in our motorhome) even if just for a few months, so I could hear the waves all the time! Living in a place where I could walk into a small town and grab a coffee/latte in the morning. Experience driving across the county (Canada included/because I am from Canada).
Where did you live outside Atlanta? Yes, every child is excited when they see the fireflies. Means summer is here! Love your site!! Thank you.
Very very sorry for your loss. I have a 14 year old terrier mix, he is starting to slow down, he now takes stands instead of walks. He will just go outside and sniff and move a little bit and sniff again. Walking my dogs is taking much longer lately (I also have a very small chihuahua). I like your bucket list. I definitely agree with the fire flies. Cannot remember where I saw them last, but I think it was in the suburbs of Atlanta. I lived there for 7 years. My bucket list would be- spending time in my motor home beside the ocean, so I can listen to the waves (many months would be good). – traveling across the country (from the West coast to the East) and also including Canada in the travels (because I am Canadian) – want to see the Florida Keys and spend lots of time there. If you haven’t guessed by now, I love being by the water, but I also love being in the big trees!
Hi Pippy,
You Rock!!
Great list.. Mine is close 🙂
I too had lost my dog (Parker).. loved and lost .. Sucks. My heart goes out 2 U.. It took me over 3 to 4 years before I could even consider getting another dog. Quick story.. I went to a kennel looking for another lab, was there three times and did not expected to leave with a little guy.. His name is Jackson. Manchester terrier… Great for living in an RV :)). Lol… He has brought a lot of joy in my life these past 2 1/2 years. So just give it some time. I really love the thought of rescuing animals from a shelter.
Good times, Travel on !!
Hi Chad, sorry to hear about Parker. I’m glad you have another now. I think it will take me a while too to consider another. Take care and happy trails!
Hi Pippi,
You Rock!!
Great list.. Mine is close 🙂
I too had lost my dog (Parker).. loved and lost .. Sucks. My heart goes out 2 U.. It took me over 3 to 4 years before I could even consider getting another dog. Quick story.. I went to a kennel looking for another lab, was there three times and did not expected to leave with a little guy.. His name is Jackson. Manchester terrier… Great for living in an RV :)). Lol… He has brought a lot of joy in my life these past 2 1/2 years. So just give it some time. I really love the thought of rescuing animals from a shelter.
Good times, Travel on !!
Pippi, you should organize a ladies trip to India. Nothing against the dudes but the gals would prob have more interests in common as far as what to do and see. Just a thought. Love your message of simplicity. I’m a bit older than you but I relate to so many of your ways and interest. I made the trip to Oregon to see family in May. My first time back since I was 12. Loved it! I’m still crying about Andiamo. I like what you said about his life having its own purpose and him being on his own journey. That’s something I had to realize also after I lost someone very special. Love to you and keep knocking off items on your bucket list!
That sounds like a fun idea! Thanks for sharing 🙂
I just started watching your YouTube videos and your bucket list reminded me of my long neglected list. I also hadn’t posted to my blog in a year! So you inspired me to update my list. Next, you may inspire me to buy an RV and hit the road.
FineArtAmerica.com if u want to sell prints of your artwork
Cool, thanks for the idea and link! 😀
Dear Pippi,
Your accomplishments are wonderful. Many people would like to have the drive and stick-to-it-iveness that you possess. Salute!
I propose two things to your bucket list: I offer a night sail near Florida’s western shore for resplendent bio luminescence, and in a second location, a very likely firefly astonishment.
I witnessed bio luminescence last winter for the first time aboard my sailboat. It was beautifully surprising and awe-striking. An experience I plan to repeat.
With whomever you experience the bio luminescence, encourage the pilot to operate the engine (and propellor) : it is said to be like turning on a lamp behind the boat! I was so thunderstruck with the sparks in the water I didn’t think to do this….will certainly do it in the future.
Although not fun for most folks, it is said that spray ( with rough water) will strike sails and deck leaving the appearance of glowing pearls ! While I’m not a fan of rough water, this would be beautiful in its own way.
Beautiful, thanks for sharing!! 🙂
Made it to Italy last week and climbed to the top of the Tower of Pisa. I can scratch that off my list.
Congrats! That sounds like a fabulous trip! 😀
Very vibrant and strong presentation style Pip, live the dream and go for the future life you want.
I live in Australia and am building a trailer house… something Ive wanted to do for 30 years or more.
Lots of fun.
Great videos….very alluring presentation…honest and open.
Send pics of trailer house soon if anyone’s interested…
That sounds like a fun project. Good luck with it!
As a woman, you are seriously so cool and such an inspiration for me. I lived in an airstream for a year in a state park and I miss it all the time. Your youtube videos have inspired me to embark on another camper adventure, only this time in an RV! I seriously LOL at all the dudes who follow you via social media and profess their love to you daily. It’s probably because you are such a beautiful person, inside and out 🙂 Yours is a life truly blessed.
peace and love
Thanks a bunch, Taylor. Best of luck on you new RV ventures! ☺️
My Bucket List:
(some completed more than once)
(some are perpetual goals)
☑Be happy not wanting anything (want to not want) (selflessness)
?Build a self sustainable community
?Not die alone
?Help someone achieve their goals
Nice, thanks for sharing! 😀
That’s a really cool list. You have already accomplished so much! 🙂 I don’t really have list, I think I need to make one. Thanks for sharing!
You bet. I encourage you to do so. But if not, it’s always nice to just see what life has to offer without making plans 😉
I miss “have been in Holland” on your list.
With love,
Haha, maybe someday 🙂
Wow, just coming up with a bucket list is a great accomplishment in my oppinion. I guess everyday-9to5-life dulled my brain. But as a resident of Scandinavia I can encourage you to visit those countries. I’ve been up to Kiruna (Sweden) once and been on a dog-sleigh-tour at night under a northern light-lit sky, it’s amazing.
Oh wow, sounds like an amazing experience! Thanks for sharing 😀 That’s a great way to see the northern lights. I found a wolf sanctuary also in Sweden where you can watch the wolves and hopefully see the lights too. Soon, I’ll have to figure out a good plan. But this sleigh ride sounds pretty amazing.
I live in central Minnesota. I have done and seen many things without know about bucket lists. Found out I’m artistic and crafty. Grandma tought me to sew on an antique Singer treadle, taught me to crochet.I taught myself at age 16 to play accordion. Married once, had two children, worked many jobs, including photoprocessing 35mm and microfilm, accounting and bookkeeping, grew gardens. Cook, bake, learned pottery, watercolor, knitting, stained glass. I’ve earned two Associate degrees; Natural resource management and fine art. Photography. Studied piano, gave up piano, some ball room, square dance, lie dance, belly dance. Stint in Army. Hotel manager, apartment manager,I traveled to CA and back, along the way I visited ancient ruins, petrified forest, and painted desert. I car-camped with a tent to Texas, NM, and back ending in Iowa. Couple years later acquired a 13 ft. 1964 Shasta camper, ended up in Arkansas, where I worked as security guard, then back to MN. I have seen monarch butterflies gathered in trees in Iowa. Here in MN, fireflies, and several times, northern lights. The most spectacular was in Duluth, MN, straight above, circular in form and red and white, swirls like a round peppermint. (Camera was packed.) There is more. But I know that is a lot in one life. I am 75 next week. I am not finished. I want to get another RV and travel some more with my sister, show her stuff I’ve seen and share new experiences. RTR, festivals like Albuquerque balloon fest, sandcastle festival, kite fest, Disney’s Pandora, see sea turtles and manatees. But wait there’s more. Crafts, sew quilts, maybe You Tube, fly my drone. Etc. Subscribed a few month’s ago. My best to you and the pups, and here’s to rving. Rose.
Best to you Rose and all the best of luck completing your journeys and adventures. Thank you so much for sharing 😀
Pippi, you have had some wonderful experiences in your life and you have some awesome items on your bucket list. It makes me think that I should consider adding a few items to mine. I love your YouTube videos. They are both informative and entertaining. Please don’t stop making them even if you have to post them with the help of the aliens from the UFO’s. What are UFO’s but a galactic version of RV’s anyway? LOL.
Haha, awesome. Thank you William 😀
U mentioned lightning bugs in last youtube vid. Link above has some up to date info about 2017 viewing of special fireflies in NC and TN. u prob know this already. Not sure u will read this as it’s to an older blog post. Didn’t know how to contact u other ways. I’m not up with tech times. Anyway I’ve witnessed the blue ghost fireflies at dupont state forest nc before they stopped the tours. Link covers other ways to view them as well as the rare synchronized lightning bugs. fwiw
Thank you so much for this. I appreciate it! 😀
Where did you get that name first off. And in the family video I can see your mother very much has influenced how you seem to view lifes adventures. I was just an experience worth having in eating figs, wow.
I am older now and wish I had done so many things I dreamed of when a youngster. i was going in the right direction , just let other things and people influence and direct my life for me I have so many regrets, but…..some things I have done….
Owned several businesses…Pizza place, Retail brass and antiques business, floral wholesale, real estate investor, land lord. And yet I am not satisfied, why? Because I know I should have pursued my dream of being an airline pilot, unfortunately I listened and followed he path that others advised me on. You need to keep in your track until you know it is time to do another thing. Do not allow the audience you have acquired sway you when you know it is no longer for you and you must carry on else where. I have also built 2 planes from plans
oh yeah almost well did forget my original thought.
1)Have seen fire flys by the thousands
2)The aurora borialis is most mystic and beautiful. Be looking when solar flares have erupted and look to the northern sky (if in the northern part of US) and you will see them waving and changing colors
3) have done the scuba thing
4) Been to many “tropical” places and islands with beautiful seas
and done other things like
hang gliding
Been to Niagara Falls and actually walked across when the turned the falls off on US side
Been to north rim of Grand Canyon. if you ever want to see the real grand canyon and not commercialized. Go to the north rim Keep yourself going so much to see. I live in travel trailer and will go to motor home in the near future. I just find you so unique and interesting and amazing. Have so many questions I want to ask, oh well….
Hi Pippi,
I see fireflies every night here in Illinois, they are amazing to watch lighting up everywhere!
You’ve accomplished a ton in your life already, and your still so young! You are truly living a blessed life.
I’ve been watching your YouTube videos lately but have known of you for the last 4 years.
I also bought a 2003 Fleetwood Bounder 35E. I just love it. They are made so well. It’s very Cozy.
Well, keep up the good work and I’ll be in touch. Thanks for designing the Righty-Ro T-Shirt, I ordered one from you!
Thanks Janie!
Hi Pip, we are currently watching your awning video in class. We graduate this week from RV Tech School in Clearwater Florida & have enjoyed your videos. Keep up the good work. Hopefully I’ll see you out on the road. Also loved your bucket list. 🙂
That is pretty cool, congrats on completing the program. Please tell your class I said HI and HAPPY TRAILS!
Hey there Pippi, must say you have accomplished many things, and reading through your postings, you are a doer. Something I would like to actually like to learn and do is to tan a hide, as I would like to make a fishing jacket from one, I’m not going to disclose how I want it to look when done, as idea can be taken. I learned that the hard way. Do you have a video on that and if so could you post a link. Thanks
That sounds like a fun project. I unfortunately did so long before I was filming projects so I do not have a video on that.
Best of luck with your endeavors!
Looks like you missed this part of accomplishment. Go to church every sunday. 🙂
Wow!!!! I’m so lost for words, all I can say is , my hat goes off to you. Watching your YouTube videos are so very well done . I’m very impressed, from one Oregonian to another- you rock. John from Roseburg, Happy Trails 😉
Thanks a bunch John!
Add “Attend Army Navy game” to your list. Sit on the Navy side. 🙂
Once the residence of newspaper tycoon William Randolph Hearst, this opulent mansion is now run by California State Parks which means you can tour the 127 acres of gardens, terraces, rooms and pools which are full of Spanish and Italian antiques. The Hearst Castle is located between Santa Barbara and San Francisco so be sure to stop for a guided tour on your Central California road trip. Okay, I suppose Disneyland deserves a mention on this California bucket list seeing as though parents from around the world make it their life long mission to bring their children here to experience the magic and extravagance that is this theme park. Just be sure to bring loads of money!
I once thought I would write up, Type, or other ways start a Bucket list of my own, however at my age of over 60 now I decided not to bother with it, as I might kick the bucket prior to accomplishing it. Lol