Carry a hammer!!!!!!!!!!!!

RV Living Forum RV Living Great Stories Carry a hammer!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    5 dollars at Harbor Freight tools, small sledge hammers are the most important tool in the box!!! Note other stories about tires and do not waste time replacing. I was in Lone Pine Ca. in my almost new Tango trailer. My tires were beautiful!!! Looked new. My pal Bob Gall gives me a speech about checking the date on the sidewall, also notes that I should have Marathons by Goodyear, not the Chinese crap installed by the Mfg.
    So good ol Bob is right, my tires are indeed dated many years older than the trailer. Company buys an entire warehouse full for pennies on the dollar. So……
    On the way home KABOOM she loses the left rear and KABOOM the tread tears up the fender well. I stop in a safe location and start on the repair. The tire tread got so hot it melted and fused the bracket to the axle. Needed that hammer to bend the steel away. No hammer.
    So..I recall that the daughter gave me a massive rock with a sunflower painted on it.
    10 minutes of pounding and it was fixed. The sunflower rock saved the day. I now carry a hammer..and also Mr. Sunflower still rides with me. Be prepared!!!!


    I have one of the sledges and they can be quite useful. I just stay away from it if I’m angry about something.
    One of HF longer crow bars is also useful. My steps didn’t retract all the way not long ago and found a high spot of some sort. Did a hell of a job on the stairs and I’m not into paying $170 for a new set of stairs. Out comes the crow bar after the sledge didn’t get the job done all the way.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by Pippi.

    Great story scootertrash and a great lesson as well!

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